What is your Soul whispering?  What are your longings?  Are you ready to embark on a journey to awaken your radiant boundlessness?


Hi, I’m Lara

I am an Astrologer & Intuitive Coach working with women to unfurl their Soul potential. Drawing on my training at The Faculty of Astrological Studies, Guided Light Healing & Coactive Coaching I use empowering coaching skills, tools such as Astrology, Tarot, Intuition and a dash of Jungian based Shadow work to unlock my clients’ deepest desires.  We delve into their inner most yearnings whilst carving out creative strategies to manifest their wants and thrive in all slices of their lives. 

This is done by conquering challenges, breaking barriers and daring to be vulnerable. 

In a safe, supportive and loving space. 

Offerings ~

Astrological & Intuitive Coaching

6 sessions (+ free initial chemistry call)

1 hour 20 minutes per session


 In this process, we uncover your Soul purpose.

Over an extended period of time we work together towards your desired life goals whilst using creative coaching techniques alongside the support of intuitive wisdom.  This includes the extensive exploration of your astrological chart, Tarot readings and deep dive exercises to connect with the powerful unconscious mind. 

Astrology with a pinch of Tarot

1 session

1 hour 20 minutes


  The awe-inspiring study of your natal chart and current planetary transits for the deepest understanding of yourself and how best to carve out your future. This extraordinary unpacking of the astrological chart is beautifully complemented by the wise guidance of Tarot.

‘Astrology is a symbolic language that speaks to both our logical brain and our unconscious mind.  Once you are ready, it will flood you with insights, illuminating the archetypes that you are living out, the lessons that they are teaching you and the ways in which you can channel the energy in your life.’ ~ Chani Nicholas


Let’s connect…

If you’d like to hear more about what I offer, I’d love to hear from you! 

“Talking to Lara is a great mix of structured guidance, a friendly ear and spiritual wisdom. I’ve really appreciated her support in dealing with some personal issues.” ~ Charlotte