
I feel very alive thinking about this topic * grins *.  I want to rip off my clothes now because they suddenly feel stifling.  This dull fabric covering up the shimmering Goddess underneath!  NAKEDNESS.  UGH!  I love it.  I love being naked and I always have.  Thank you, Gods!  Thank you for giving me this shameless feeling free from self-consciousness that has women bending over in female changing rooms around the world to cover the wobbly bits, the private parts, the hair, the birth marks.  I never did that.  This authentic comfort with my flesh and bones came with my birth package.  And I am relieved to say that.  Clearly this relief alone is an indication that the celebration of one’s exquisite nakedness is a rarity.  And I celebrate my love for nakedness - that’s probably why I’m sharing this! Who knows, maybe it’ll inspire someone to explore their own naked joys, play with it.

Our nakedness is our power.  It is our physical vulnerability.  And we need to honour it.  

I am sure you are fully aware, there is so much self-loathing in the world, particularly in relation to our bodies.  And it is an offence to our humanity.  We’ve only got the one body in this lifetime so let’s LOOK at it.  APPRECIATE it.  OWN it.  Let’s nourish our nakedness with love, attention and touch.  After all, it’s keeping us intact.  It’s keeping our blood and organs and bones altogether in one supreme living vessel.

Now, I’m not saying we all strip off as though we’re on a nudist beach in Torquay, nor am I saying we all take on the archetype of mythical Narcissus, who was so dazzled by his own beauty that it became his fatal downfall.  

To add, I certainly haven’t been without my own body and beauty hang ups in my life, thus far.  Oh no.  In fact, I don’t know anyone who escapes those miserable moments looking in the mirror tearing oneself apart with rancid self-abuse.  It has taken me, I reckon, a good twenty-seven years out of my now thirty-three to consider myself beautiful.  In all ways.  And I am learning that this belief, this KNOWING is deep within and it is an active practice which must become as habitual as brushing our teeth.  And that’s what I do every single morning, without fail.  Affirmations, meditations can fall by the waist side but this doesn’t slip for me.  After ablutions, I’ll stand in front of the mirror, drink myself in and hold myself in nakedness.  No matter what happens today, I have this this body.  And I am free.

 ‘The nakedness of woman is the work of God’ ~ William Blake


The Drain of Disappointment


The Imposter Syndrome